Benefit Acupuncture provides a profound healing alternative during which we treat the cause of illness, not just the symptoms. Conventional medicine is very effective in suppressing symptoms, such as pain, but often does not address the root cause. We believe the human body has the natural power to heal itself when appropriate stimulation is asserted, which prevents future diseases or complications in a safe, holistic and effective way.
Acupuncture can help with most health conditions. We specialize in pain relief and infertility. Feel free to give us a call to see if we can help.
Hilary Lai, L.Ac., Ph.D.
with President Zhang Boli of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
with Dr. Wu LianZhong
Hilary Lai, L.Ac., Ph.D.
Licensed Acupuncturist
Ph.D. Acupuncture
NAET Practitioner
Board Certified Herbalist
Hilary Lai is a licensed acupuncturist (AC01255) in the State of Texas, and a NCCAOM-certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine. She completed her undergraduate studies at The University of Texas at Austin. She holds a Master’s Degree of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from Texas Health and Science University and a Ph.D. in Acupuncture from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. While there, she received three years of intensive training from Dr. Shi Xue Min and associates at the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is renowned in China for its stroke rehabilitation treatments. Dr. Lai is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The China Story
“Studying in China was a life-changing experience. Being able to see wheelchair-bound patients walk out after acupuncture treatment was inspiring. Witnessing the success of acupuncture in China motivated me to bring this skill to America to help patients heal.”
--- Hilary Lai, L.Ac., Ph.D
My Mission
After college at The University of Texas at Austin, I chose to study Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, which beautifully synchronize the arts of healing with Chinese philosophy. Upon completing a Master’s Degree in acupuncture, I was honored to be accepted to a Ph.D. program at the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was my hope to learn the deep secrets of acupuncture, so I could bring the healing power of acupuncture home to the Unites States.
During my time at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I had the honor of meeting patients from all parts of the world, who traveled as far as 7,000 miles to receive acupuncture treatments. Among them were American patients who felt so strongly about the healing power of acupuncture that books and videos have been published. From them and many other patients I learned how life changing acupuncture could be.
Our Patients’ Inspiring Stories
These patients had to travel 7,000 miles to receive acupuncture in China. Now I am proud to say I have started Benefit Acupuncture to provide the same level of service to clients here in the US. It was inspiring to watch our patients be freed from pain. I saw patients recover lost sight, walk after being wheel chair bound, and a host of other recoveries they must not have experienced without acupuncture treatment.
Blind Patients Regain Vision
In Tianjin, I saw stroke patients who had lost their vision. In some cases the stroke had caused severe vertigo or eye tremor that greatly affected their ability to see. Our acupuncture treatments helped them regain their vision. We also helped patients with double vision after having had brain surgeries. These patients had to wear an eye patch or the double vision would make them dizzy. Acupuncture was able to help eliminate the double vision. There was nothing more encouraging than to see them regain their vision and be able to resume their daily lives.
Wheel Chair Patients Walk
While I was an intern in the acupuncture department, a 58-year-old male stroke patient with lesions in the thalamus and cerebellum was wheeled in for treatment. In two days, he was walking and was no longer in need of a wheelchair. He continued treatment for a year and had a full recovery. Acupuncture also relieved him of his chronic allergies, loose stools, back pain and pain and weakness in his knees. He felt renewed and re-energized.
There was a female stroke patient in her ‘60s who had suffered from Hemiplegia for six years. She was in a wheelchair and in the care of her diligent husband. We treated her with acupuncture -- I did the needling on her lower extremities – and after the first treatment, her husband came back the next day, amazed, and told us that he felt that she had strength when he helped her to the restroom. For the first time in six years, she was able to walk with support. According to her husband, acupuncture has improved her health and benefited her caretakers. I am proud to have established Benefit Acupuncture during 2015 to provide the same level of service to clients in the U.S. I am excited to create similar success stories at Benefit Acupuncture.
About the University
The First Teaching Hospital of the Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the leading National Clinical Research Center for Acupuncture in China. This 2500-bed First Teaching Hospital fully integrates acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine with western medicine, with special focus on treatments for patients with stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cerebral and neurological disorders. Many of the neurological disorders such as Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to post-stroke (ie. pseudobulbar paralysis, bulbar paralysis) have no cure in western medicine. However, with acupuncture the development of the disease can be slowed down.
The First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin sets an example of what the future could hold for acupuncture in the United States if treatment were more readily available and accessible to public. Although science has not been able to fully explain how acupuncture works, we see patients recover and do better with the use of this empirical art of healing.
My Mentors
For three years at First Teaching Hospital, I studied under academician Shi Xuemin, one of the Godfathers of modern acupuncture in China, and his associates. During my internship, I focused my research specifically on pain management and the treatment of stroke, TBI and neurological disorders. I assisted with the treatment of 60-to-100 patients a day in the clinic.
My Vision for Benefit Acupuncture
In Western Civilizations, patients tend to seek alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), after having tried many alternatives with limited results. In China, the process is reversed; patients seek TCM first and follow up with Western treatment to complement their Eastern treatment, if necessary. My goal is to make authentic acupuncture and Chinese Medicine available at Benefit Acupuncture to those in need. I truly believe the integration of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine can bring the power of healing to a different level.