“Xing Nao Kai Qiao” and Tianjin style acupuncture

“Xing Nao Kai Qiao” (XNKQ), literally translates to “awaken the mind and open orifices”, refers to a set of acupuncture point combination and technique developed by Dr. Shi Xue Min and associates in 1972 for treating patients with stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and neurological disorders.
Dr. Shi is one of founding fathers of the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For this reason, Tianjin style acupuncture is closely associated with XNKQ therapy. Doctors there adopt variations of the XNKQ acupuncture technique to effectively help patients with stroke rehabilitation, neurological disorders, pain management and so forth.
XNQK therapy is an acupuncture technique that continuously evolves over time. With over 40 years of clinical research in China, "XNKQ" therapy has developed into a diagnostic and treatment system that fully integrates with western medicine. With the invention of CT scans, MRI and other diagnostic imaging, TCM doctors can now select acupuncture point combinations that precisely target the affected nerves and manifesting symptoms. Acupuncture of these points can cause vasodilation to promote circulation and rejuvenate the nervous system. To an extent, acupuncture can reset the nervous system and reprogram the brain’s connection with the body and extremities for patients with neurological disorders.
XNKQ therapy has a protocol for pseudobulbar paralysis and bulbar paralysis induced symptoms, such as dysphagia (difficulty swallowing and difficulty drinking water) for stroke patients on feeding tubes at the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After a series of acupuncture sessions, these patients gradually recovered from their inability to swallow fluids and food items and had their feeding tubes removed. Many regained motor functions of their lower and upper extremities and were able to walk with a crutch.
Overtime, Dr. Shi and associates have developed variations of XNQX therapy to effectively address health concerns beyond stroke and neurological disorders, including incontinence, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnels, facial paralysis and so forth. By promoting circulation and removing energy blockages, XNKQ therapy can increase memory and concentration and prevent neurological disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson. The ability to address both the neurological and physical aspect of disorders makes XNKQ therapy a powerful tool in clinical practice.

* Pictures courtesy of First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine